
Team Devotions

May 4, 2020

BY James Pulley

Does your job reflect your relationship to God?


Many of us take pride in how we do our jobs, we feel that it defines us somewhat to others when they see the job we did; it reflects upon our character, what type of person we are, and attitude.  I have heard supervisors say of someone that they are a “go getter”, or “that person gets things done”.  One I really like is “you can count on that person to get the job done right”.  We all know that the job we do reflects upon the person we are. But are we aware that the job we do also reflects upon the God we serve?

Col 3:23  And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

Col 3:24  Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.


Puts a change of attitude on things when we see ourselves working for the Lord instead of some corporation or  the man. Matthew  5:16  tells us Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.  It would seem that what we do as Christians, where we work, reflects upon who we are as the Children of God.  How, I wonder, do people see my Lord through the avenue of how I perform in the workplace?  Do they hear a person who is grumbling over the tasks ahead of me, do they see a person who doesn’t give my all for the God of my salvation?

The verse above says whatever we do, to do it “heartily” as unto the Lord.  This means with enthusiasm and enjoyment and passion.  I worked with a young man who when he was first hired was excited over the job he had.  He came in on time and worked very productively while on the job.  Over the scope of a few months he heard people complaining about the company and their jobs.  It began to have an effect on his performance and after a few months he was not performing like he had been.  He even began to complain about the requirements of his position.  What changed?  It was the same job, the same requirements as when he first started.  What changed was that he let others influence him and he forgot who he served.


Workplace challenge: re-focus on who you serve, and how worthy He is to receive our very best even in the workplace.  Ask the Lord to give you a joyful spirit in serving Him that you may do what you do as unto the Lord and not unto men.  And don’t join in with those who have forgotten that they would be looking for a job if they didn’t have the one they are blessed with. Let your work be a reflection of His glory through you.