
What Kind of Glove are You?

July 22, 2020

Philippians 2:13  For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. (KJV)

I remember the first time I heard someone use the word epiphany.  I wondered what is an epiphany?  The Merriam Webster definition of an epiphany is:

a (1) :  a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something (2) :  an intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an event) usually simple and striking (3) :  an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure

My definition is “coming to an understanding or truly seeing something for the first time and it changing your life.”  What good is an epiphany if it does not do anything?  I had an epiphany if you will the other day at the restaurant.  The cook, we have become friends with, came to our table to explain how they processed the dough for the pizzas they served.  She had on these very thin transparent gloves.  As she explained about the dough (by the way, I was inquisitive and asked, that is why she came to our table) I noticed the gloves and thought “wow!” that is the way we are to be for Christ. 


We are to be His gloves and allow Him to use us to work in His Kingdom.  Then I began to really think about gloves and how many different kinds there are.  Some are thin like the one she had which allowed her to be able to feel the details of the dough and pick out any hard pieces.  Other gloves are hard and thick like welding gloves.  They perform differently than the thin ones, and do a much tougher job.  There are different gloves for different types of work they are created for. 


Isn’t that like us?  We are so different and perform in many ways.  Each having been created for a purpose and perform different tasks in life.  Some jobs are more strenuous and need thicker gloves and others are more meticulous and use a thinner glove.  You would probably have a hard time trying to pick up sheets of paper with a thick work glove than a thin one. 


Could you see a Doctor or Nurse with a welder’s glove on when they came in to see you?  It wouldn’t work would it, and it would probably greatly concern me.  The gloves pretty much represent us and the work we do.


 Sometimes I see people who do not like the job they have and I have to wonder if they are not a misplaced glove, and then you see a person who you know is the proper glove for the job, they love what they are doing and are very good at it.  I have to say that people who enjoy and are a proper fit so to speak for the work they do, perform much better and accomplish a lot more than those who do not like their work or are misplaced. 


What kind of glove are you?  How do you perform your work, is it with joy?  Sometimes we do not have that joy because we are not fulfilling the purpose God created us for.  I am going to switch gears for a moment now.  Think about this; the glove must have a hand in it to perform its function.  Whose hand is inside you?  Jesus said in John 15:5  “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” 


Everything I understand about gloves is that they are made for a purpose but without a hand in them they will never be able to fulfill that purpose.  Is Jesus completely fitting your glove?   John 15:11  “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”   Apparently joy is a by-product of a perfect fit.  


Go to Jesus in prayer and ask Him to show you what type of glove you are and also to fill you with His presence, power, and spirit to empower you to accomplish His will in your life.