
Conforming to the will of God  

June 7, 2020

BY Jimmy Pulley

Colossians 3:1-2



Col 3:1  If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

Col 3:2  Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

    To set your affections on things above you must conform to the things of God, which means that you have to be willing to allow God to make changes where they need to be made in our lives.

    Sometimes we like to be safe and predictable, we do not want God to do anything major in our lives.  We all want God to save us, but not necessarily change us—especially major changes.  This is why it is sometimes hard for us to deal with when God wants to build something great in our lives, and we are comfortable with the way it is.  We imply to God “if you want to use me you have to do it on my terms and I want it to be in my comfortable world—don’t make any drastic changes.”

    When a football team gets out on the field they go there to not only play but to win.  Fans go to watch and cheer the team.  They will color themselves and wear jerseys and funny cheese hats and the like, but it is the players that win the games not the fans.  The Captain may need to call plays in the game that may necessitate changes.  For the team to be effective together they have to be willing to apply the plays even with changes that the Captain makes.  This is also the case for the mission team.  God may want to call another play or make changes to the one you have been given.  If you are going to be effective for His Kingdom’s use you will have to be willing to conform to those changes that He makes.

    Ask yourself, “Am I a player for Christ or just a fan?”  Pray and ask God to give you a spirit that is pliable to His will and when He wants to make a change to help you conform to this.  Our slogan “You gotta be like Gumby” certainly fits here.  You have to be willing to bend to God’s will, God’s desire, and God’s direction in your life.  When you do you will experience the awesome Presence of God!